Effects of Some Pesticides on the Growth of ARF18 and Its Pathogenicity to Heterodera glycines


  • D. G. Kim
  • R. D. Riggs


The effects of 22 pesticides on the mycelial growth and pathogenicity of the biocontrol fungus ARFI8 to Heterodera glycines were tested in vitro. The chemicals were added to agar at 10, 100, and 1,000 ppm a.i.; a block of agar containing the fungus was added to each test concentration; and fungal growth was measured. Subsequently, a block of the fungus on the pesticide-containing agar was used to determine the ability of the fungus to parasitize eggs of H. glycines. Aldicarb, bentazone, and chlorothalonil had little or no effect on fungal growth, whereas benomyl and thiophanate methyl completely inhibited growth of the fungus at 10 ppm. The relative insensitivity of ARF18 to certain pesticides would permit selected use of those pesticides with ARF18 in an integrated control program if the effects on the fungus in the field are similar to results from petri dish studies. Key words: aldicarb, ARF18, benomyl, bentazone, biocontrol fungus, biological control, chemical pesticides, chlorothalonil, Heterodera glycines, nematophagous fungus, pesticide, soybean cyst nematode, thiophanate methyl.





