Attachment of Pasteuria penetrans Endospores to the Surface of Meloidogyne javanica Second-stage Juveniles


  • Y. Spiegel
  • M. Mor
  • E. Sharon


Pasteuriapenetram spore adhesion to Meloidogynejavanica second-stage juveniles (J2) was examined following several different pretreatments of the latter. The detergents sodium dodecyl sulfate and Triton X-100, the carbohydrates fucose and[alpha]-methyl-D-mannoside, and the lectins concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin reduced spore attachment. Spores exposed to M. javanica surface coat (SC) extract exhibited decreased adherence to the J2 surface. Second-stage juveniles that had been treated with antibodies recognizing a 250-kDa antigen of J2 SC extract had fewer spores attached to their surfaces, as compared to nontreated J2, except in the head region. This inhibition pattern was similar to that of antibody-labelling on M. javanica J2 as observed by electron microscopy. It is suggested that several SC components, such as carbohydrate residues, carbohydrate-recognition domains, and a 250-kDa antigen, are involved in P. penetrans spore attachment to the surface of M. javanica. Key words: biological control, concanavalin A, glycoconjugate, Meloidogynejavanica, nematode, neoglycoprotein, Pasteuria penetrans, surface coat, wheat germ agglutinin.





