Correlation of Edaphic Factors with Plant-parasitic Nematode Population Densities in a Forage Field


  • M. K. Wallace
  • R. H. Rust
  • D. M. Hawkins
  • D. H. MacDonald


Two hundred soil samples from the A[subp] horizon of a reed canarygrass field overlaying several different but related soils in northern Minnesota were analyzed for plant-parasitic nematodes and 22 edaphic factors. Pratylenchus penetrans was the predominant nematode taxon. Others were Aglenchus agricola, Tylenchorhynchus spp., Heterodera trifolii, Paratylenchus spp., Tylenchus maius, and Criconemella sp. Five nematode taxa, P. penetrans, A, agricola, Tylenchorhynchus spp., H. trifolii, and Paratylenchus spp., were correlated with particle size, Tylenchus maius and Criconemella sp. were correlated with effective cation exchange capacity. Nematode field spatial arrangements were related to a combination of statistically significant positive and negative soil factor effects on the nematode populations. Contour maps derived by geostatistical techniques were used to visually validate statistically significant correlations of nematode and soil data. Contour mapping to supplement traditional statistical techniques can be used to achieve a more holistic approach to studies of nematode-soil interrelationships. Key words: Aglenchus agricola, contour mapping, Criconemella, edaphic factor, effective cation exchange capacity, forage, geostatistics, Heterodera trifolii, nematode, Paratylenchus, particle size, Phalaris arundinacea, Pratylenchus penetrans, soil, Tylenchorhynchus, Tylenchus maius.





