Effect of Soybean Tip Removal on Penetration and Development of Heterodera glycines


  • J. M. Halbrendt


On a few occasions, soybeans with broken root tips were included in tests to evaluate resistance to Heterodera glycines. Although females developed on these plants, the numbers tended to be lower than on similarly treated intact roots. To test the possibility that removal of the root meristem affected nematode development, a culture system using pruned soybeans was devised that permitted access to the roots without disturbing the plants. Treatments included removal of 2 mm of root tip at various times ranging from 24 hours before to 10 days after inoculation, or roots left intact. In each experiment, all roots were inoculated at the same time with equal numbers of freshly hatched second-stage juveniles of Heterodera glycines. No differences in nematode development were detected in plants with root tips removed after inoculation compared to the control. When tips were removed at or before inoculation, fewer juveniles entered roots and relatively fewer nematodes developed. Penetration levels and development correlated with root tip removal such that progressively fewer nematodes entered roots and relatively greater numbers of nematodes remained undeveloped as the time interval between root tip removal and inoculation was increased. Key words: cyst nematode, Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, nematode, penetration, soybean.





