Pathological Reaction of Crested Wheatgrass Cultivars to Four Meloidogyne chitwoodi Populations


  • G. D. Griffin
  • K. H. Asay


Meloidogyne chitwoodi populations from Tulelake, California; Ft. Hall, Idaho; Beryl, Utah; and Prosser, Washington, significantly (P 0.05) reduced dry shoot weights of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L., Gaertn. and A. desertorum, Fisch. ex Link, Schult.) cultivars Hycrest, Fairway, and Nordan in experiments conducted in a greenhouse and growth chamber. Shoot growth depression, root galling, and nematode reproduction indices were greatest (P 0.05) on plants inoculated with 5,000 eggs/plant. Nematode populations from Tulelake, Ft. Hall, and Beryl significantly (P 0.05) reduced the growth of the three grass cultivars at 15, 20, 25, and 30 C; the greatest reductions occurred at 20 and 25 C. There were significant differences in the virulence of the nematode populations at high (30 C) and low (15 C) soil temperatures. At 15 C, plant growth was reduced more by the Beryl and Tulelake than by the Ft. Hall population; whereas at 30 C, the Ft. Hall population was more virulent than the Beryl and Tulelake populations. Root galling and nematode reproduction were greater on plants inoculated with Beryl and Tulelake populations at 15 C than on plants inoculated with the Ft. Hall population, while the Ft. Hall population had the most pronounced effects at 30 C. Key words: Agropyron cristatum, Agropyron desertorum, Columbia root-knot nematode, crested wheat-grass, resistance, reproductive index, root gall rating, susceptibility, temperature.





