Development of Heterodera glycines on Soybean Damaged by Soybean Looper and Stem Canker


  • J. S. Russin
  • M. B. Layton
  • D. J. Boethel
  • E. C. McGawley
  • J. P. Snow
  • G. T. Berggren


Short-term greenhouse studies with soybean (Glycine max cv. Bragg) were used to examine interactions between the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and two other common pests of soybean, the stem canker fungus (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora) and the soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens), a lepidopterous defoliator. Numbers of cyst nematode juveniles in roots and numbers of cysts in soil and roots were reduced on plants with stem cankers. Defoliation by soybean looper larvae had the opposite effect; defoliation levels of 22 and 64% caused stepwise increases in numbers of juveniles and cysts in both roots and soil, whereas numbers of females in roots decreased. In two experiments, stem canker length was reduced 40 and 45% when root systems were colonized by the soybean cyst nematode. The absence of significant interactions among these pests indicates that the effects of soybean cyst nematode, stem canker, and soybean looper on plant growth and each other primarily were additive. Key words: Diaporthe phaseolorum, Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, insect defoliation, pest complex, Pseudoplusia includens, soybean, soybean cyst nematode, soybean looper, stem canker.





