Effect of Within-field Variation in Soil Texture on Heterodera glycines and Soybean Yield


  • S. R. Koenning
  • S. C. Anand
  • J. A. Wrather


The influence of soil texture on Soybean yield in the presence of Heterodera glycines was investigated by comparing yields of susceptible cultivars with a resistant cultivar for 2 years. Soybean yield was negatively correlated with increasing sand content (P = 0.05). Yields of susceptible cultivars were suppressed with increasing sand content. Final nematode population densities were lowest in plots with greatest sand content. Soybean infection by SCN, as determined by the number of cysts 30 days after planting, was not consistently related to soil texture over 2 years. Initial nematode population density was positively related to soybean yield the first year and negatively related to soybean yield the second, probably a result of greater yield suppression by H. glycines in plots with greater sand content. Key words: crop loss, Heterodera glycines, Glycine max, soil texture.





