Effects of Temperature and Root Leachates on Embryogenic Development and Hatching of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla


  • R. N. Inserra
  • G. D. Griffin
  • D. V. Sisson


At 20 C the duration of the embryogenic development of Meloiclogyne chitwoocli and M. hapla was about 20 days. At 10 C the embryogenic development was 82-84 days for M. chitwoodi and 95-97 days for M. hapla. The effect of distilled water and root leachates of potato cv. Russet Burbank, tomato cv. Columbian, and wheat cv. Hyslop on the hatching of eggs of the two root-knot nematode species was investigated at 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25 C ( ± 1 C). Cumulative egg taatch was no greater in root leachates titan in distilled water, but temperature did significantly affect egg hatch (P = 0.05). Less than 1% of the eggs of both nematode species hatched at 4 C. The percent cumulative hatch at 10 C was significantly less (P = 0.05) than at higher temperatures for both nematodes and significantly more (P = 0.05) M. chitwoodi eggs hatched than did M. hapla eggs. At 15 G the percent cumulative hatch of both species was significantly lower (P = 0.05) than that at 20 and 25 C. The percent cumulative egg hatch of two species did not differ at 25 C, but was higher (P = 0.05) at 25 C than at 20 C. At 7 C the emergence of M. chitwoodi juveniles was about seven times (P = 0.01) greater than that of M. hapla in distilled water. Key words: Columbia root-knot nematode, northern root-knot nematode, juvenile, emergence.





