On the Transport of Nematodes by the Wind
The possible effectiveness of atmospheric transport of nematode forms (dry larvae or eggs) as a means for introducing new species to a given environment is examined. Given the measured sedimentation velocities for a range of forms (0.1 = W[subs] = 0.6 mps), the necessary conditions on the wind speed required for natural erosion are defined. With these results scenarios for lofting, transport, and diffusion of these forms are examined using relevant gaussian plume models. Results indicate that on rare occasions individuals can be deposited up to 40 km from their original location. Redepositions up to 5 km per erosion event should be fairly common occurances when dry loose soil conditions or dry tillage operations combine with optimal atmospheric conditions and the presence of significant numbers of nematodes at the surface. Key words: wind dissemination, terminal velocities, model calculations.Downloads
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