Host-Parasite Interaction of Resistant Sugarbeet and Heterodera schachtii


  • M. H. Yu
  • A. E. Steele


The host-parasite relationships between Heterodera schachtii Schm. and the nematode-resistant diploid Beta vulgaris L. line '51501' were examined via serial sections of secondary rootlets. Second-stage larvae penetrated sugarbeet roots and migrated up to 1.95 mm before establishing permanent feeding sites. Most sedentary larvae were oriented parallel to the root axis or in various diagonal or folded positions in the cortex. Nematodes adopted no definite orientation with regard to the root apex. Nematode feeding stimulated formation of multinucleate syncytia in host tissues. Syncytia were 0.3-1.1 mm in length, up to 90 [mu]m × 150 [mu]m in cross section. Root diameters were enlarged close to feeding sites. Usually nematodes deteriorated concomitant with necrosis of syncytia, and dead nematodes frequently appeared macerated or flattened and deformed. Most nematodes did not develop to maturity in the resistant host tissues, Cavities left by collapse of syncytia were filled by growth of parenchymatous tissue. Key words: Beta vulgaris L., cyst, histopathology, necrosis, nematode resistance, syncytium.





