Discussion of: Pilkey, O. H., 1990. A time to look back at beach replenishment (editorial), Journal of Coastal Research, 6(1), iii-vii. And, Leonard, L.; Clayton, T., and Pilkey, O.H., 1990.
In the 1990 Winter edition of the Journal of Coastal Research (Vol. 6, No.1) there are two very important items dealing with beach nourishment. The main paper by Leonard, Clayton and Pilkey (pp. 15-36) considers an analysis of beach design parameters and the second of probably greater importance, is the additional comments by Pilkey alone titled: "A time to look back at Beach Replenishment" (pp. iii-vii). Both items it must be noted, are based only upon works carried out on the Eastern seaboard of the United States of AmericaDownloads
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