Consonante, the barrier-free method: Orchestral work with individuals with severe disabilities


  • Luca Tiszai Szent Erzsébet Otthon, Ipolytölgyes


Social inclusion, music therapy, severe disabilities


Consonante is a method that offers musical participation for people living with severe disabilities. In order to make instrumental music possible for these individuals, two key concepts were found. The musical instruments have to be modified to suit the physical abilities of each individual musician custom built musical instruments must be altered to give a consonant accompaniment. The Consonante method provides an opportunity for personal, emotional and intellectual growth, development in perceptual and sensory skills, fine and gross movement, verbal and nonverbal communication, socialization, attention, emotions, cognitive and learning abilities.

Author Biography

Luca Tiszai, Szent Erzsébet Otthon, Ipolytölgyes


Bio: Luca Tiszai

University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education Institute of Special Needs Education.

Saint Elisabeth Nursing Home, Ipolytölgyes, Hungary

Tiszai graduated at Ötvös Lorand University in 2000 in special education and earned her second degree in music education in 2004. In 2013 she earned her master degree in Andragogy (Adult Education) at Pazmany Péter Catholic University. Her musical background is based on the Kodály method. Her area of expertise lies in working with individuals with disabilities.

Since 2007 she have been working with individuals with severe physical and learning disabilities in a nursing home in Ipolytölgyes, Hungary. The focus of her work is the promotion of social inclusion. The flas-mob of her Orchestra is here:

Since 2016 February she works at University of Szeged Faculty of Education Institute of Special Needs Education.


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