Vol. 46, No. 2 (Fall 2003)
President's Column: John Szabo Leads FLA ...........................3
Floridiana with a Twist: Froggy Florida ..............................4
by Nancy Pike
Adapting to Seniors: Computer Training for Older Adults .....................5
by Carol Bean and Michael Laven
Just-in-time Court Guides .....................8
by Louise Lee, Laurie Hime, and Erick Dominicis
The Impact of Accreditation and Distance Education on Information Literacy ...................11
by Johanna Tunon
Beyond the Web: Promoting the Value of a Library's Web Site ...............15
by Joyce Ward, Dana Mervar, Matthew Loving, and Steve Kronen
Partnerships with Faculty Enhance Information Literacy .............17
by Mark Dibble, and Ilene Frank
Using Technology to Teach Information Literacy in Florida's Community Colleges ...................20
by Edward Erazo
FLA and You ..........................22
Florida Reads: One Bay, One Book ........................23
by Joyce Sparrow