Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guidelines for Community Associations: Considerations for Selecting a Landscape Contractor and Writing an Effective Landscaping Contract
a Florida Friendly yard
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Florida-Friendly Landscapes

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Dale, Adam G., Claire Lewis, Esen A. Momol, Donald P. Rainey, John Bossart, C. J. Bain, Jen Marvin, Lynn A. Barber, Norman C. Leppla, Gary W. Knox, y Thomas T. Ankersen. 2018. «Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guidelines for Community Associations: Considerations for Selecting a Landscape Contractor and Writing an Effective Landscaping Contract: ENH1080/EP347, Rev. 4/2018». EDIS 2018 (3). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ep347-2018.


Florida-Friendly Landscaping protects Florida’s unique natural resources by conserving water, reducing waste and pollution, creating wildlife habitat, and preventing erosion. This 12-page document will help the reader with selecting and writing a landscape contract that follows Florida-Friendly Landscaping principles. Written by Adam Dale, Claire Lewis, Esen Momol, Don Rainey, John Bossart, C. J. Bain, Jen Marvin, Lynn Barber, Norman Leppla, Gary Knox, and Thomas T. Ankerson and published by the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department.

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Florida Green Industry Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources in Florida, 2002. http://ffl.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/GIBMP_Manual_Web_English_2015.pdf

The Florida Lawn Handbook: Best Management Practices for Your Home Lawn in Florida, Laurie E. Trenholm and J. Bryan Unruh, University Press of Florida, 2005.

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guide to Plant Selection & Landscape Design. http://ffl.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf/FYN_Plant_Selection_Guide_2015.pdf

A Guide to Florida-Friendly Landscaping; Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Handbook, 2006. http://ffl.ifas.ufl.edu/materials/FYN_Handbook_2015_web.pdf

UF/IFAS Extension Publications: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/

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