Daikon Radish Cultivation Guide for Florida
Healthy daikon radish foliage (A) and root (B) at approximately 6 weeks. Credits: Mary Dixon, UF/IFAS
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How to Cite

Dixon, Mary, and Guodong Liu. 2020. “Daikon Radish Cultivation Guide for Florida: HS1370, 9/2020”. EDIS 2020 (5). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs1370-2020.


Daikon radish is a versatile vegetable crop in the mustard family. It produces a large, white, cylindrical fleshy root weighing up to 4-7 lb. Daikon radish is an especially common vegetable in Asia, particularly Japan, and it tends to be less spicy than other garden types of radish. This new 7-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department provides a primer on cultivation of daikon in Florida, including sections on propagation, growing conditions, pests and diseases, and agricultural, culinary, and medicinal uses. Written by Mary Dixon and Guodong Liu.

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