Award Lecture: Do Changes in the Chemical Industry Imply Changes in Curriculum?


  • E.L. Cussler University of Minnesota


The Chemical Engineering Division, ASEE, Union Carbide Lectureship Award winner for 1998.

The split of the chemical industry between commodities and specialties does not mean that students need to be taught different chemical engineering skills.  It does suggest a broader design experience that includes product design in addition to process design.

Author Biography

E.L. Cussler, University of Minnesota

Edward L. Cussler, Institute Professor at the University of Minnesota, received his BE degree from Yale University in 1961, his MS from the University of Wisconsin in 1963, and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1965. Herose from Assistant Professor to Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University during the years from 1967 to 1980, at whi ch time he joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota as Professor of Chemical Engineering. ln 1996 he became Institute of Technology Professor at the University of Minnesota, and is currently at Cambridge Uni versity in the United Kingdom as Professor of Chemical Engineering.

Ed has won numerous awards during his professional career, some of which are the ATChE Alan P. Colburn Award in 1975, seven Minnesota Institute of Technology Teaching Awards through the years, the George Taylor Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of Minnesota in 1987, the Donald Katz Lecture Award from the University of Michigan in I 996, and the Danckwerts Lecture from the Institution of Chemical Engineers in London in 1997.

Ed serves as Associate Editor of the A/Ch£ Journal and is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Membrane Science. He also has served as a Director, Vice President, and President of AlChE, and was Chair of the American Association of Engineering Societies.

He has also been author or co-author of over 160 publications. He is co-author with Belter and Hu of Bioseparations (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1988) and with Baker, Eykamp, Koros, Riley, and Strathmann, of Membrane Separation Systems, ( Noyes Data Corporation, New Jersey 1991 ). He is author of the books Diffusion (Cambridge University Press, London, 1984; second edition, 1997) and Multicomponent Diffusion (Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1976).





