Development and Implementation of an Educational Simulator: GLUCOSIM


  • Fetanet Ceylan Erzen Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Gülnur Birol Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Ali Çinar Illinois Institute of Technology


An educational software package for simulating glucose-insulin interactions in a healthy person and a type-1 diabetes mellitus patient has been developed and successfully implemented in the Introduction to Bioengineering Course for two consecutive years at IIT. The software may serve as an educational tool in undergraduate and graduate-level bioengineering courses to help students in learning diabetes physiology. Mathematical models with varying degrees of complexity are built based on the pharmacokinetic diagrams of insulin and glucose, and integrated with a graphical user interface to provide a user-friendly environment. The interactive nature of the simulator enables students to run virtual experiments to test the effect of initial conditions on the physiological dynamics of healthy and diabetic human bodies.

Author Biographies

Fetanet Ceylan Erzen, Illinois Institute of Technology

Fetanet Ceylan Erzen received a BS degree in chemical engineering from the Middle East Technical University (1999) and an MS degree from Illinois Institute of Technology (2000). Her thesis studies included modeling and simulation of glucose-insulin interaction in the human body and graphical user interface development.

Gülnur Birol, Illinois Institute of Technology

GülnurBirol received BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in chemical engineering from Bogazici University in 1990, 1992, and 1997, respectively. Her current research interests include glucose biosensors, investigation of retinal vascular occlusion, and the relationships between oxidative and glycolytic metabolism in the retina on animal models.

Ali Çinar, Illinois Institute of Technology

All Çinar received a BS degree in chemical engineering from Robert College, Turkey (1970), and MEng (1973) and PhD (1976) degrees from Texas A&M University. His teaching and research interests are process modeling and control, statistical process monitoring and fault diagnosis, and use of knowledge-based systems for real-time process supervision and control.





