A Kinetics Experiment for the Unit Operations Laboratory


  • Richard W. Rice Clemson University
  • David A. Bruce Clemson University
  • David R. Kuhnell Clemson University
  • Christopher McDonald Clemson University


No abstract available.

Author Biographies

Richard W. Rice, Clemson University

Richard W. Rice is an associate professor in the Depanment of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University, where he has been since 1978. He has done research in a variety of areas, but heterogeneous catalysis has been his main topic. Unit operations and kinetics are the subjects that he has most frequently taught. He received his B.S.ChE. from Clemson University and his MS. and Ph.D. from Yale University.

David A. Bruce, Clemson University

David A. Bruce is an associate professor in the Depanment of Chemical Engineering at Clemson University. He has B.S. degrees in Chemistry and chemical engineering and a Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include the synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts, advanced oxidation processes, and quantum and molecular mechanics modeling.

David R. Kuhnell, Clemson University

David R. Kuhnell and Christopher I. McDonald are recent chemical engineering graduates from Clemson University. As undergraduates, both were actively involved in oxidation catalysis research with Dr. Bruce and were the primary individuals contributing to the building/testing of the apparatus.

Christopher McDonald, Clemson University

David R. Kuhnell and Christopher I. McDonald are recent chemical engineering graduates from Clemson University. As undergraduates, both were actively involved in oxidation catalysis research with Dr. Bruce and were the primary individuals contributing to the building/testing of the apparatus.





