Vol. 21 (2003)
Issue Description

Romans on the Right: The Art and Archaeology of Traffic, Eric Poehler

Some Textual Sources for the Purse as Reliquary, Preston McLane

The Fourth of July Celebration as Seen through the Eyes of Nineteenth-Century Artists, Ceil Parks Bare

“Then Will the Union Be Knit Indissolubly Together” – The Tomb for President James Monroe, Louis J. Malon

John Lockwood Kipling and Kim, Rachel Fleming

Paul Outerbridge: From Modernism to Mass Culture, Patrick Tomlin

Vom Gesicht zum Gesicht: The Weimar Subject in the Photography of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and August Sander, Gretchen Wagner

Collective Subjectivities: The Politics and Paradox of Surrealist Group Portraiture, Karen A. Sherry

“In the Presence of a Presence” – Frank Lloyd Wright’s Beth Shalom Synagogue and the Search for Success in Architectural Symbolism, Angela McKinley

Full Issue