Combining Social & Legal Constructs: Constitutional Reformations for the Future
This article attempts to identify foundational constructs that may give clues for motives supporting our doctrines and the selection of procedures in American democratic protocols. Constitutional insights and formative ideology lend readers, thinkers and legal scholars, tools for guiding political reconstruction of principles that may guide our rule of law choices. Time and events may alter the original intent of the framers of our Constitution and the structure of our Republic. Areas of law that may have been affected include environmental policy, international law, healthcare, corporate governance, and the separation of powers principle. Issues requiring analysis within the historical context include age discrimination, the supremacy clause, the U.S. response to the global healthcare crisis, the parameters of executive power, and the boundaries for regulating economic policy. Should there be federal standards related to local management for emergency situations? Should there be established core competencies in governance and policies related to community planning and rezoning. Should we reconsider the use of the Electoral College? What about the voting systems currently regulated locally? Other threats that have emerged include issues related to a planetary crisis, authoritarianism regimes, hate group political activism and socialist ideology.